Colorado Freedom Institute

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Board of Advisors

The purpose of the board of advisors is to provide advice and critical feedback to Ari Armstrong with respect to the Colorado Freedom Institute. Someone's membership on the board does not imply their agreement with all of Ari Armstrong's statements and positions, nor Ari's agreement with all of theirs.

Michael Huemer is a professor of philosophy at the University of Colorado. He is the author of more than eighty academic articles in epistemology, ethics, metaethics, metaphysics, and political philosophy, as well as about a dozen amazing books. His blog is Fake Nous.

Anders Ingemarson is a Swedish born, American-by-choice author, public speaker and educator championing Enlightenment/Objectivist values of reason, rational self-interest, individualism, individual rights, limited government, and capitalism. He is assistant director at Defenders of Capitalism and the author of Think Right or Wrong, Not Left or Right: A 21st Century Citizen Guide. He writes at Think Right or Wrong, Not Left or Right.

Aaron Ross Powell is a political ethicist, host of the ReImagining Liberty podcast, and a contributor to The UnPopulist. He spent twelve years as a scholar at the Cato Institute, where he founded and co-hosted the Free Thoughts podcast.

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