Colorado Freedom Institute

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Terms of Use

1. By in any way accessing or using,, and/or any other web site or other media outlet owned or operated by Ari Armstrong and/or any other service that distributes materials produced by Ari Armstrong (here referred to collectively as "Sites"), you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, without limitation.

2. These Terms of Use may be updated from time to time, and any change becomes effective immediately upon posting.

3. You agree to not violate any and all intellectual property associated with the Sites. Materials produced by Ari Armstrong are copyright by Ari Armstrong. Ari established Self in Society Press on October 11, 2021, Eversol Press on September 10, 2018, and the Colorado Freedom Institute on January 1, 2025. "Ari Armstrong," "Colorado Freedom Institute," "Self in Society," "Self in Society Press," "Self in Society Podcast," "Eversol Press," "Free Colorado," "Colorado Freedom Report," "Ember Publishing," and "Indy Schooler" are trademarks of Ari Armstrong.

4. If you submit a comment in any form to Ari Armstrong, you give Ari Armstrong permission to publish your comment, in conjunction with your name, on any of Ari Armstrong's web pages or in any other forum of his choosing, in any form and without limits. You agree to accept complete responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the truthfulness, accuracy, and legality of your submitted comments. Comments will be published at Ari Armstrong's sole discretion. Comments that, in his opinion, are uncivil, unresponsive, insubstantial, or off topic probably will not be published. He may, at his sole discretion, edit comments for length and clarity. Except in circumstances that he deems relevant and extraordinary, usually he will not consider publishing anonymous comments; those who think such circumstances apply should explain them in their comments.

5. You agree that use of the Sites is at your sole risk and on an "as is" basis. No warranty is made concerning the availability, applicability, reliability, safety, or accuracy of any contents on or associated with the Sites.

6. If you share personal information with Ari Armstrong, whether through personal communication, use of Sites, sign-up to an email list associated with the Sites, or any other form of correspondence, you thereby grant to Ari Armstrong unlimited permission to store and manipulate such information on computers, other electronic devices, and paperwork owned and/or controlled by Ari Armstrong, and/or on data servers owned by other entities. You agree not to hold Ari Armstrong liable for theft of data. You recognize that Ari Armstrong and the Sites use services and software provided by various entities, and you agree not to hold Ari Armstrong liable for those entities' use of data. Ari Armstrong agrees not to sell your information to other entities and to take reasonable precautions—with him as the sold arbiter of what constitutes "reasonable" in this context—to safeguard information from potentially malicious actors. Ari Armstrong does not directly collect or track any information about you via materials that he publishes at this web site. Ari Armstrong does collect data that users choose to share via MailChimp, Patreon, and PayPal, all third-party service providers. Ari Armstrong hosts his sites on SiteGround and Hostinger, third-party service providers, which may collect general audience data and possibly other information. Ari Armstrong's sites link to MailChimp, Amazon, Patreon, PayPal, and other external sites. Please see those services and sites for their policies regarding data use, tracking, privacy, and cookies.

7. You agree not to sue Ari Armstrong or any other party involved with the operation of the Sites or the contents of the Sites, wherever such content may appear. Should this agreement not to sue be held unenforceable by any bona fide and lawful court, you agree to binding arbitration, with all arbitration expenses to be paid by you, with the arbiter selected by Ari Armstrong or his designated agent, and with any damages to be levied only in U.S. dollars and not to exceed $1000. Should this arbitration agreement be held unenforceable by any bona fide and lawful court, you agree to accept liquidated damages in any lawsuit against Ari Armstrong or any other party involved with the operation of the Sites a sum not to exceed $1000, to be resolved solely by courts within Colorado and under the laws of Colorado and the United States of America.

8. If any part or parts of these Terms of Service are held by a bona fide and lawful court to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder of these Terms of Service shall still apply.

Main | Updates | Legislation | Policies | Board of Advisors | Terms of Use